gosh! what an experience. :D just to share.
last saturday, sept26'09, we had a practice in school for the play. after the halfday practice, when we went out, the flood's already rising into an instance that we couldn't walk through the way. so we need to take another option to go to taft. we rode kuliglig, or the motorized tribike and paid 20 pesos, which is higher than we normally pay when we ride during an ordinary day. then, when we reached jollibee taft, we just saw how the water fastly rise into the pavement. gosh!
even though we got stranded, we were still HAAAAAPPY! we just laughed and laughed with those comedy scenes during that time. well. what an experience. :D
p.s. let's just pray for the relief of those who are mostly in need and less fortunate to have greater damage than what we had. please. i think it's the least thing we could do if we also don't have to give as donation.